Comment 10 for bug 421734

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NoOp (glgxg) wrote : [Bug 421734] Re: Wicd doesn't display all APs available.

On 09/02/2009 05:13 AM, Adam Blackburn wrote:
>> Just as I said: wicd_1.6.2.2-1 does not pick up any new/changed
> networks that show with 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan'.
> I'm still not sure what a "new/changed" network is.

I'm still not sure just what you don't understand about:

"Using wicd_1.6.2.2-1 I change the ESSID on the router from . (dot) to g
(g) and it do a 'Refresh' and the network change is not picked up. Using
wicd_1.6.2.2 I can do this and the ESSID change is picked up properly."

Here, try it for yourself:

1. From wicd, disconnect from your wireless network.
2. Change the ESSID on your network router/AP from what it currently is.
3. From wicd click the 'Refresh' button.

The results of that should pick up the new ESSID from your network.

From my comment #6:
"Using wicd_1.6.2.2-1 I change the ESSID on the router from . (dot) to g
(g) and it do a 'Refresh' and the network change is not picked up. Using
wicd_1.6.2.2 I can do this and the ESSID change is picked up properly."

4. Open a terminal and do an iwlist scan: 'sudo iwlist <wlaninterface>
scan. Compare that with #3 above.

What I am telling you is that I *can* see the changed ESSID in 1.5.9 and With I *cannot* see the changed ESSID.

>> If I use 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' I can see multiple networks that
> did not see (even after hitting the 'Refresh' button multiple
> times in I *can* see these networks with wicd_1.6.2.2 and
> 1.5.9.)
> Can you post your iwlist scan output and point out which networks cannot
> be seen in wicd? (also, your comment is a little confusing, because you
> first say that with you can't see the networks, but then you
> say you can see them with

I'll post when I have a chance to reload/test again. Just what
is confusing about being able to see the network in (and 1.5.9)
but not with I am referring to: = wicd_1.6.2-2_all.deb = wicd_1.6.2.2-1_all.deb

Are we clear now?