Comment 4 for bug 283574

Revision history for this message
yarko (yarkot) wrote :

My complaints (I'll drive fixing this; Massimo, will you help when I need it?) -

And more:

1-[ ] PROFILE - needs to be renamed: Your Conference Registration (this is where you can edit yours)

2-[ ] Register for the Conference: this is the link where you register someone else; or the two (profile, and PyCon2009 need to be separate activities that can pull info from login profiles).

3-[ ] I have no way I can see to change the person I registered; need to fix this;
4-[ ] I have no way of telling who created a conference registration; need to fix this;
5-[ ] I need to be able to add info to others I registered - e.g. address; tutorials;
6-[ ] There needs to be a way for seeing who I registered so far;
7-[ ] There needs to be a way to "attach" an existing login to "those I registered" list - this is for cases where my staff registers, and I attach them, so I can continue w/ the registration process (e.g. pay).

8-[ ] In general, registrations should be editable by the logged in person who is the registrant (if attending), or the person who created the registration.

9-[ ] Given the above, it doesn't seem that setting the password for others is appropriate - there should be a way to accept a registration w/o an initialized password, and (perhaps?) "as if" that person being entered asked for a password reset - e.g. mail them a link, or one-time password.