Comment 7 for bug 1090890

Revision history for this message
davide (linuxdavide) wrote :

Hi Martin B., can you help me please? :-)
I installed this morning that applet but it doesn't add my city! I click on "Apply" without success!

1) From shell I started indicator-weather:
davide@Thunder:~$ indicator-weather
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gobject/ Warning: g_boxed_type_register_static: assertion `g_type_from_name (name) == 0' failed
  import gobject._gobject

2) After, from GUI, I tried to add my city:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/indicator-weather", line 1883, in on_apply
    (location_code, location_details) = self.location.export_location_details()
  File "/usr/bin/indicator-weather", line 405, in export_location_details
    return (self.location_code, self.location_details)
AttributeError: Location instance has no attribute 'location_code'

I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Gnome (No effects)
