Comment 9 for bug 909908

Revision history for this message
Uday Reddy (reddyuday) wrote : [Bug 909908] Re: IMAP folder names need UTF-7

khinsen writes:

> I have tested your last patch, it works partially.
> When I visit a folder by caling (vm "IMAP.folder ...) or any of the vm-
> visit-imap-... functions, supplying a standard Emacs string for the
> name, everything works fine. However, when I type "v" from a summary
> view and enter the folder name interactively, the IMAP access fails
> because the folder name gets passed through utf7-encode twice.

There is no double encoding. However, it is possible that minibuffer
reading doesn't work right when there are foreign characters. It would be
good to narrow it down.
