Comment 3 for bug 695418

Revision history for this message
Uday Reddy (reddyuday) wrote : [Bug 695418] Re: Supercite misquotes multipart messages

Wilhelm Müller writes:

> Ok, I tracked it down to the following: I used
> (setq vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types '("text/plain"
> "text/enriched"))
> so multipart messages were not automatically decoded. When I added
> "multipart" to the list, message yanking worked again, but included
> the button for the zip attachment in the yanked message.

Good that you have found the solution. But this still counts as a bug
in my book because of its unexpected behavior.

- The vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types problem should have blocked
the multipart message from being displayed properly as well. Was that
the case?

- You say that it works fine in 8.0.9. Does it mean that "mutipart"
didn't need to be included in vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types in
that version? The NEWS file doesn't say that there has been a change
to this policy either.

- Intuitively, it seems to me that "multipart" types should be handled
automatically and shouldn't be controllable from the
auto-displayed... variable. Do you agree?

Secondly, it seems to me that vm-reply-include-text shouldn't depend
on the auto-displayed... variable either. I will look into this.
