Comment 3 for bug 1979048

Revision history for this message
Gian Uberto Lauri (saint-u) wrote :

This can fix Mr. Müller namne (I would suggest Mueller if omitting umlaut), but I doubt It can do something for my lisp problems.

Today, when I issued the vm command, I got:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable vm-update-virtual-messages)
  byte-code("\305\306\307\310#\311\306\312\313#\210\314\10\303\11\n\"\315\212\316\317\13\211\34\320H\321HJ)\")$\207" [vm-update-virtual-messages &key message-changing m message function-put vm-virtual-message-p speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand defun* "Update all the virtual messages of M to reflect th..." mapc #f(compiled-function (v-m) #<bytecode 0x1d6c62574191b1c9>) 4 1] 10)

The .emacs file contains these instructions about vm:

(load-library "vm-version")
(load-library "vm-misc")
(load-library "vm-folder")
(load-library "vm-vars")
(load-library "vm-virtual")
;;(load-library "vm-message")
(load-library "vm")

If I try to run the commented statement I get

"Symbol's value as variable is void: vm-update-virtual-messages"