Comment 1 for bug 773478

Revision history for this message
Abbakus (abbakus) wrote :

Partially implemented on revision 249: (command line only)

>switch_name config pon_vbevent=event_name
>switch_name config poff_vbevent=event_name2

The event can be a real-shell event, so it's possibile to add a script file to execute (as requested by Francesco).

For example:
>new event event_name
>event_name config addsh ~/
>event_name config delay=3

>switch_name on //switch_name is started and event_name is started too. After 3 seconds ~/ is executed.
>switch_name off //switch_name is started and event_name2 is started.
>switch_name config pon_vbevent= //power on event is cleared