Comment 88 for bug 156085

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Noel J. Bergman (noeljb) wrote :

mig7 has a point. Over a year ago, Scott James Remnant commented that "If your software is using /proc/bus/usb, it is broken -- you've had over a year to change it, and you've failed to do so." But Scott's wrong in the sense that it isn't "our" (users') software that is broken, it is "your" (Ubuntu's) software that is broken.

Dimitrios' point is that packages should either be fixed or removed from the repository.

usbview does not work. If you look at the upstream bug for usbview, Debian seems to consider it Ubuntu's problem, and they are not making upstream fixes.

apcupsd is broken in Hardy and Intrepid without manual intervention by mounting usbfs. I've gone through that on Hardy, and will be checking Intrepid, although I've found reports that it does work. That does not appear to be an option with Jaunty, so unless there's a fix in there that I'm not finding so far, there is another broken package.

Look, I have no problem with removing usbfs, but Ubuntu is not making the necessary fixes to dependent packages, leaving users with broken packages. Agreeing with Dimitrios -- such packages should be removed, fixed, or moved to a broken-packages repository if you want a place to put them aside for interested community members to take a shot at fixing them.

A bit of good news is that libusb-1.0 can hide the change, for applications written to use libusb instead of processing the device space themselves.