Comment 21 for bug 98955

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Pär Lidén (par-liden) wrote :

hello, I have the same problem with the boot logging not working. All the other log files seem to work fine, but not the one logging consoloe output during boot.

The most recent data written in /var/log/boot is from 20 april this year. I guess that's when I upgraded to 7.04. This is a very annoying problem, and since it is a regression from earlier releases, I think it should have a higher priority than medium.

The reason why that forum post above does not work is because /sbin/bootlogd is not installed on Ubuntu systems (at least not mine) nowadays (probably it was in earlier releases).

The link S05bootlogd is installed into /etc/rc.[2-5].d/ and it links to /etc/init.d/bootlogd, which also exists. The problem is then that /etc/init.d/bootlogd tries to run /sbin/bootlogd, and this program is as I said not installed. Seems all very strange to me.

I remember when using Debian a few years ago, there was its own package named just 'bootlogd'. If I have understood things correctly, that old bootlog daemon ('bootlogd') has been replaced by this newer 'logd', and this logd is apparently not working correctly. Could a workaround be to somehow revive that old bootlogd package, and get it installed? Maybe it is not the proper way of doing things, but as a temporary workaround maybe? Does anyone know of any way to manually install bootlogd and get it to work in some way?
