Comment 3 for bug 85014

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Steven Shiau (stevenshiau) wrote : Re: Fail to enter rc1.d by putting 1 in bootparam in edgy

Oops... the above is not a good one, should be [0-9], however, if selinux=0 is assigned in bootparam, upstart will go wrong.
Therefore maybe make it like:
start on rcS/stop

        runlevel --reboot || true

        if grep -q -w -- "-s\|single\|S" /proc/cmdline; then
            telinit S
        elif grep -qE -- "[[:space:]]+[0-9][[:space:]]+" /proc/cmdline; then
            RL="$(grep -Eo -- "[[:space:]]+[0-9][[:space:]]+" /proc/cmdline)"
            if [ -n "$RL" ]; then
                telinit $RL
                telinit 2
        elif [ -r /etc/inittab ]; then
            RL="$(sed -n -e "/^id:[0-9]*:initdefault:/{s/^id://;s/:.*//;p}" /etc
/inittab || true)"
            if [ -n "$RL" ]; then
                telinit $RL
                telinit 2
            telinit 2
end script
I bet you have better solution about this.