Comment 21 for bug 85014

Revision history for this message (docteur-moe) wrote : Re: [Bug 85014] Re: Fail to enter rc1.d by putting 1 in bootparam in edgy

Le mardi 10 février 2009 à 14:30 +0000, Scott James Remnant a écrit :

> On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 17:33 +0000, wrote:
> > can't believe Scott James Remnant once wrote "This should be fixed
> > upstream" (in telinit ! ).
> >
> Scott James Remnant (me) _is_ upstream for telinit.

And so ?
How does this account for anything else ?
(On a side note, the former message was addressing the team, obviously)

Your answer perplexed us for a second, and then gave us all a good
As our final communication with Canonical; we decided to google around
for S.J.R. so as to better explain why all further messages from this
individual and company will now be piped to /dev/null here.

Referring to S.J.R.'s comments on this bug and to

Scott James Remnant believes "hat sometimes you've just got to ditch the
past and start over from scratch" ; yet, the same once admitted that his
product "only handles -s/single/S being on the command line, because
that's all I knew about at the time". Hence, S.J.R. believes he can
singlehandedly change something he hardly understands (preposterous, did
we write ?) and that he among all people doesn't have to pay attention
to the recommendations of his elders.
Sadly, S.J.R appears to show enough charisma / pretention to have
convinced others to turn Ubuntu's users (and now Fedora's) into his
beta-testers ; which we definitely refuse to be, especially as we were
using what Canonical claims to be a production-ready server (no, we're
not testing this kind of product, guess why ?).

We shall give upstart a high salute when it becomes ready ; for now, the
program being almost years behind its own schedule, still not including
basic functionaliity based on the claim that it will turn better someday
(ever heard M$ representatives explain that it doesn't matter if their
product is buggy because they will be releasing a new version ?), and
S.J.R. having the extra nerve to postpone fixing certain flaws which are
so apparent that they have been reported over a dozen times, we are
simply waving goodbye (ditching as you'd say) any distro which uses
upstart in its present state.

Finally, we are glad to report that we have tired enough of mindless
one-line answers from Canonical team members who prefer to brag about
who they believe they are instead of trying to understand what may be
wrong with their work to extend our decision of ditching ubuntu to
redirecting any e-mail from Canonical / Ubuntu / related / etc. to the
black hole where they belong. Heck, we've wasted enough time tracking
down discrepancies and unexpected behaviors to bugs usually introduced
by Ubuntu's packaging or projects not to have to bear with these high
ideas of yourselves when all you should be doing is fixing those

Although our policy never was to ignore anybody (as Robert Silverberg
once wrote : "Ignorance cannot be forgiven, it can only be cured"), we
have spent enough valuable time reminding Ubuntu associates of their
responsibilities and received enough of these answers made of contempt
which amount to "Do you know who you're talking to ?", this latest
answer from S.J.R . being the winner in this category.
There is no point whatsoever in engaging a conversation with people who
know better no matter what to the extent that they won't bother replying
to arguments, and prefer to rely on the opinion they have on themselves.
Maybe S.J.R. should have read the message on the t-shirts labeled "F***
Ubuntu" differently and come back to a bit decent humility, if he ever
had any ; too bad S.J.R. was <quote>baffled</quote> to find out that
other people believed in thinking ahead and working together, that the
same people where just not ready to blindly follow S.J.R wherever he'd
want to go; maybe those t-shirts should have used a different name than

We have nothing else to say on this matter.

Dr. Moe

> Scott
> --
> Scott James Remnant
> <email address hidden>