Comment 8 for bug 410310

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) wrote :

I have done some more searching of the sources and that is what I can conclude:

There is no consistency in use of conversion programs in different parts of upgrade-manager
There is use of "humanize_size" defined in updatemanager and of "apt_pkg.SizeToStr" defined in apt.

humanize_size contains a bug as described above, that for integers (and size in Bytes usually is integer) it cuts off the fraction of MBs.

humanize_size works with multiples of 1024 and switches from KB to MB above 1023 KB
apt_pkg.SizeToStr works with multiples of 1000 and switches from KB to MB above 9999 KB
The different multiplication factors lead to the difference of about 4.8% for big files that can also be calculated in some of the screenshots attached above.

Also the display of the numbers varies: in a "decimal point is comma"-speaking country like Austria some figures are displayed with a '.' as decimal separator, and some others with a ',' (see attachment in comment #6).

I definitely see the need for changing something to create consistency.