Comment 2 for bug 1428848

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package unity8-lxc - 1.0.4+15.10.20150609-0ubuntu1

unity8-lxc (1.0.4+15.10.20150609-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Chris Townsend ]
  * Bump version to 1.0.4.
  * Automount /proc to avoid a race when attaching to a container to run
    a command. Also remove the ugly sleep workaround. (LP: #1428848)
  * Cache a copy of upstart-sysv when downloading the Unity 8 Desktop
    Next ISO image. This will keep the ISO and the upstart-sysv package
    in sync. (LP: #1458236)
  * Catch the exception when distro-info-data is outdated during dev
    release transitions. Use the current stable release instead when the
    dev release has not been updated. (LP: #1448521)
  * Terminate the session instead of killing the user when logging out
    of the Unity 8 LXC session. This is much less aggressive and keeps
    ssh sessions alive. (LP: #1456604)
  * Use upstart-sysv in the Unity8 container instead of systemd. This
    fixes a slew of issues when using systemd in the container. (LP:

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden> Tue, 09 Jun 2015 14:17:23 +0000