Comment 0 for bug 991071

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X (s-u) wrote : pressing enter in dash search box leads to inconsistent results

YES there're various bug reports about something like this, and they all have FIX RELEASED status.
this is not fixed! the behavior is very unpredictable right now in 12.04

if I press Super key, default dash shows a mixed result with applications being first, press enter, the first application will not launch.
press Super+a, will switch to Apps lens, now press enter, vola, Gedit (in my case) opens. BUT, if you go to Super+a directly (without going to dash home page first), the first application will not launch. this happens with other default lenses as well (file/music/video), and no visual cue to tell me if the first result is selected or not.

press super key to open dash, type "wr", first result will be libreoffice writer (still no visual indication it's selected), press enter to launch
press super key again, "wr" is already in the text field, press enter, nothing happens.

experted behavior: like gnome-shell, the first result is always selected, and always opens when enter is pressed. also, please make the selected background and animation the same one as unity-2d.