Comment 6 for bug 982268

Revision history for this message
Terry Scott (terrykscott57) wrote :

Sorry for the long time since last post. I've been having a few problems, both ubuntu and hardware.
I'll try and summarise:-
Installed my trusty 10.10 cd onto another partition. Tried to install SleepyHead but got version errors within Ubuntu.
Downloaded various .iso's
Created 11.04 and installed. Installed all updates and regularly used apps. SleepyHead installed and worked ok.
Created 11.10 and installed. Installed all updates and regularly used apps. SleepyHead installed and worked ok. Computer unstable with many shutdowns / system freezes. Tried various desktops, inluding K and Xubuntu's. Still shutting down but few system freezes.
Created and installed 12.04, non beta,. Installed all updates and regularly used apps. SleepyHead either crashed with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" or failed to produce graphs. Computer unstable with many shutdowns / system freezes. Tried various desktops, inluding K and Xubuntu's. Still unstable. Finally resolved system shutdowns by loading ubuntu with ACPI=OFF and, when using Ubuntu, ensuring that I use 2D Unity.
As I understand it, the older NVIDIA drivers are not supported / compatible with 12.04?
I now have a 11.10 partition, a 12.04 partition and a 11.04 partition which has been rolled forward to 12.04.
At this time it looks like I can use 12.04 except when I need to use SleepyHead, when I shall have to revert to 11.10
Motherboard is Foxconn 6150K8MD-8EKRSH, last BIOS update 2007