Comment 26 for bug 977804

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Batuhan Osmanoglu (batuhan-osmanoglu) wrote :

Hi all,

I have the same issue affecting Ubuntu 12.04 (x86 desktop) on lenovo 3000 v100, which has an Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME graphics card.

I used to restart compiz when this bug crashes my desktop, but I also noticed that changing the "window switcher" in unity works as a work around. I tested the following solution with opening 40 nautilus windows, and hitting alt-tab several times, as well as with the Workspace switcher, and there was no crash.

Anyway, all I did was:
- install ccsm (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager)
- run ccsm (go to dash, type ccsm)
- Scroll down to Window Management - Enable Application Switcher (the top-left plugin right under Windows Management).
- It will tell you several key bindings are the same with Unity. Select the appropriate option to override these settings.
- That's all.

I wrote the above steps from my mind, so if someone can test & write a better guide that would be great.
