Comment 62 for bug 974480

Revision history for this message
Luca Maranzano (liuk001) wrote :

I've upgraded from 12.04 LTS to 13.04 and for the moment I need to have some important applications like SpiderOak and Druva InSync workig fine, so kudos to #42 @Jason aka timekiller++ for his work, it works for me like a charm.
I'm a Unity fan, but it is not affordable for me to give up on important applications that I use only for this imposed constraint.
IMHO AppIndicator is really a good framework, but in general I think that users *must have* the possibility to choose to have support for the old deprecated systray, expecially becasue they do not have the control over the fact that the those applications are not (yet?) using AppIndicator for whatever reason.
I think that this is a sort of "freedom" that has always characterized the Open Source from which Linux (and Ubuntu) comes.
Just to be propositive, one way to spread the adoption of AppIndicator is to do the right "propaganda" about its advantages and features with the developers of the (most used?) applications that Ubuntu users are using.
I'll start with Druva just after this post ;-)
Just my 2 cents.
