Comment 101 for bug 882274

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Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) wrote : Re: [Bug 882274] Re: Community engagement is broken

On 19/11/11 04:46, Dwayne Litzenberger wrote:
> You're absolutely right: You can't always please everybody; you have
> to prioritize. What worries me is that Mark Shuttleworth has stated,
> fairly explicitly, that Ubuntu users are not a priority:

Hold on a sec. You're extrapolating from the fact that we run usability
tests on non-Ubuntu users to the idea that we somehow don't care about
Ubuntu users. That's nonsense: Unity is user-tested every day by all the
engineers working on it, and all of the Ubuntu community, who between
them file thousands of bugs, of which thousands get fixed.

Linux has always been tested by Linux users. And we have tools to learn
from that testing and improve. This tool, the bug tracker, is one of
them. And Sebastien has shown how amazingly well the needs of people who
use bug trackers are being served.

There are many people who use Linux heavily who describe Unity as the
best thing that happened to their interface. You may not be one of them,
but to deny their existence is to exclude yourself from the realm of
reasonable discussion.

> That's so brain-damaged that I'm still in denial about it, despite my own
> bad experiences, and despite the words being right there for all to see.
> How could anyone think it's possible to develop a great interface without
> actually paying close attention to the people who spend countless *weeks*
> actually using it? It doesn't make any sense.

As Sebastien showed, the team does pay close attention to the needs of
those users. They just don't always fix the particular issue that might
be trouble *you*, *first*. Now, please choose between constructive
participation, helping to fix the issues where we are in perfect
agreement on the issue and the fix, or going elsewhere. There are many
areas where Unity can be improved, where your idea of an improvement and
my idea of an improvement are completely in sync. I would ask you to
help get those things done, and I'm sure the result will be satisfying
for you.
