Comment 3 for bug 878678

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Glenn Chugg (glennlchugg) wrote :

I've noticed the same bug, it is able to be worked around by manually (with the mouse) moving (or just clicking) the title of the WINE app/game to get the correct position set for the form/window top position. It does it with any popup areas, Context Menu's, File Menu etc, Combo Boxes etc etc.

This bug also causes restoring the window of most WINE apps to position 0,0 on the available screen, it can be annoying as when you minimize a form that is centered and bring it back to the front it will also be shown at position 0,0 I must admit id does make the reported bug a non issue, but it's still handling window positions incorrectly, I've reported this bug in WINE, but I did mention that it's Compiz/Unity's fault so chances are they wont be working on it themselves because it doesn't affect non Unity 3D users.

Other Linux tools/games act as intended (no problems), so it's a relationship with how Compiz and WINE race each other for setting the window's initial position when form is set visible/restored.