Comment 0 for bug 824013

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Valentín Barros (valentin-o) wrote :

I've found the bug while developing a new tool for Shotwell. The thing is that
in Unity, Vala GTK+ programs throws enter/leave-notify-event when you click in
a Gtk.DrawingArea.

With the behavior I see, the bug seems to be a conjunction of two bugs, one in Vala and another one in Unity, but the one for Unity could be fixed in Ubuntu Oneiric --but I haven't seen anything about it here, so I've supposed that it would be better to report it, just in case I'm doing something wrong and the bug is already present.

Let me copy & paste the same explanations I wrote in the Vala's side report:

----- Copy & paste from [4] -----
Although I've corrected the wrong behavior in Shotwell [1], I've continued
investigating the problems with leave_notify_event and Unity and I'm getting
weird behavior :S I attach two test cases I've created modifying
Cairo-with-GTK+ examples using both Vala and C. Vala original program is at [2]
and the C one is in one CVS repository at [3]. I've also prepared a
without-Cairo version which has the same behavior.

Let me explain that I found:

[NOTE] By non-Unity I mean a Linux Mint 10 system with Gnome 2.32.0 and no
Unity; by Unity I mean an Ubuntu Natty system with Gnome 2.32.1 and Unity,
running in a VirtualBox virtual machine. Vala version is 0.12 (but I also
tested the non-Unity test case with Vala with the same

    * With C sample & Unity system -> If the program has a transient window,
you'll get enter_notify_event and leave_notify_event each time you click the
DrawingArea. If not, all works fine.
    * With C sample & non-Unity system -> All works fine.
    * With Vala sample & Unity system -> If the program has a transient window,
you'll get enter_notify_event and leave_notify event each time you click the
DrawingArea. If not, you'll only get enter_notify_event :S
    * With Vala sample & non-Unity system -> You'll get enter_notify_event, no
matter if the program has the transient window or not.

So, as you can see, this looks like an error in Unity, but the thing is that
I've added a new system to the tests: Ubuntu 11.10 Alpha 3 with Gnome 3.1.4,
with Unity but without 3D effects (VirtualBox, I'm not able to get 3D effects
work); and in this system I see the problem with enter_notify_event but not the
one with leave_notify_event, no matter if the transient window is present or
not --so, it acts the same like in non-Unity systems. It seems that they've
changed something in Unity that suppressed the leave_notify_event error in
Ubuntu Oneiric, and the enter_notify_event is also present in a non-Unity
system as I report above, so... it seems to be a Vala bug --I'm discarding
Compiz because I have no 3D effects working in my Ubuntu Oneiric virtual

What do you think about this?

----- [End of copy & paste] -----