Comment 18 for bug 757991

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Brandon Mayes (bdmayes) wrote :

SQLDeveloper works great with this fix (adding "StartupWMClass=oracle-ide-boot-Launcher" to the .desktop file)!! Thank you so much for pointing that out!

I tried to use the same method to make iReport work but unfortunately it does not work correctly. xprop gives me the following string:

WM_CLASS(STRING) = "sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer", "java-lang-Thread"

I tried putting StartupWMClass=java-lang-Thread into my ireport.desktop file and then dragging it to the launcher. It no longer adds a second icon to the launcher, but it still does not behave correctly. The problems I see are:

1. It doesn't add the little arrow to the left of the icon to indicate that it is running.
2. If you attempt to minimize the window then it just completely hides the running application, but a quick ps -ef | grep ireport proves that the PID is still alive and well -- you just cannot access it. In order to open ireport again you have to kill the running PIDs and then start it up again.

For reasons that I cannot really change, I am still using iReport 4.0.1. I'm not sure if one of the newer releases would work or not. But essentially it looks like it's being launched as a thread in some other process (probably the NetBeans IDE, which is what it's based on). Any ideas?

For now I have configured everything in ~/.local/share/applications/ireport.desktop can therefore launch it by opening dash, typing ireport, and then selecting the item from the list. This is what I have been doing with SQLDeveloper for months, but would prefer to pin it to the launchbar if possible.