Comment 28 for bug 750386

Revision history for this message
Angel Guzman Maeso (shakaran) wrote :

@vanvugt I try to produce a better crash report but it is difficult because when unity/compiz crash you don't windows borders for move windows and pressing keys for write doesn't write anything.

So, I boot the pc. Enter in a lightdm session. Then I open a terminal. I fire up google-chrome. Then unity crash. I go to tty with Alt+F1 and I write in terminal:

DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace

This give me again windows border and keyboard write access pressing Alt+F7.

Then I write:
env MALLOC_CHECK_=3 G_SLICE=always-malloc unity --replace > unity-replace2.log

Unity crash. I did the same but from tty, and save the output in unity-replace.log.

I attach the logs and .xsession-errors that seems have a memory-map and backtrace.