Comment 0 for bug 1412937

Revision history for this message
Bryan Quigley (bryanquigley) wrote :

Right now the procedure to turn on low_gfx_mode is

"sudo gedit /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu.session
Remove "compiz" from the RequiredComponents list

sudo gedit /usr/share/upstart/sessions/unity7.conf:

Add these lines after "export COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE":

We should add a config option (preferably system wide) to tell Compiz/Unity to go to the LOW_GFX mode regardless of what the hardware says it can do.

This will make it easier to setup items like terminal services using Unity. This procedure has helped in at least one case for me, (a machine used by several users remotely using Unity). I can imagine it would also help in multiseat scenarios, etc.