Comment 0 for bug 1292168

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asmoore82 (asmoore82) wrote :

This is related to Bug #1283849 and all of its duplicates.

As those say, middle click to lower windows is now broken. But I feel that right clicking here is just as bad or worse. Right clicking still presents the classic window actions menu which is entirely expected by crufty old desktop veterans but Unity is *not* supposed to be another crufty old desktop :P. The indicators broke new ground with left and right clicking both presenting the same consistent menus and I feel that the new LIM should do the same. Note here that middle click on LIM already does the same action as middle click so why not right click too? All of this "click convergence" eases some user confusion and greatly eases the pain of touch screen devices that are more than tables but less than laptops.

So what about this lost "lower" functionality. First of all, it always *should* have been a part of the standard window menu so let's go ahead and have it in there. Secondly, if right click does not expose this menu because of LIM/Indicator consistency, then let's just go ahead and bring back the window menu as a standard part of every window decoration. I'm thinking it will replace/obsolete the always visible minimize/maximize buttons and will integrate seamlessly with LIM such that opening the window menu and then mousing right will move right on to "File, Edit, View, etc."

This would add a further layer of consistency for windows that do not support resizing or maximizing. As is, the dedicated maximize button on them can be taken away leading to slight inconsistency in window decoration, but with a window menu instead it will always be there and will simply have the options inside greyed if the window does not support them.

If Bug #1283849 is flatly fixed it sort of obsoletes this bug but it is not exactly a duplicate either :D.