Comment 0 for bug 1158044

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Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„ (popey) wrote : Dash search results take seconds to appear, leap around as they do

Using unity from experimental ppa

Open dash
Type something
Observe some local apps appear, but other results take longer. Some appear, then just as you think it's finished, more appear, moving others out of the way. Sometimes I click on things before the full dash has finished rendering (i.e. before all results have been displayed) then a new result appears and I end up clicking on the "wrong" thing.

* It's disconcerting to have the dash render so slowly. My net connection is 60Mb down, 2Mb up ( and CPU is a nippy i7, it feels odd to be waiting for the application launcher to finish before I can use it. Of course I can use it before it finishes, but with the risk that it will move things under me as I click.

* I am slowed down because I am worried I will mis-click and trigger a software centre startup, or a browser based activity like an amazon or u1 result click. I don't feel as confident using this as I did on 12.04 where I could "Stab Super, type AU, press enter" and know that I'll get Audacity.

Having the dash build up slowly feels like I'm browsing the web using IE4 from 10 years ago, over a dial up connection. Where the the page builds up slowly and as images/logos/buttons/adverts appear the page moves around under me until it's finished. It doesn't take as long as that, but that's the impression.