Comment 0 for bug 1112560

Revision history for this message
Jill Royer (jillro) wrote :

When you open dconf-editor to edit the key com.canonical.unity.launcher.favorites, in order to add a show-desktop icon to the panel, the description of the key is :

"These items can be application://desktop-id.desktop, device://uiid and unity://special-id (including unity://running-apps that specifies the position of the ran applications, unity://devices the position of the attached devices, unity://expo-icon the position of the workspace switcher and unity://show-desktop-icon the position of the show-desktop icon); the order of this list determines the launcher items position."

But unity://show-desktop-icon does not work. In order to get the icon in the launcher, you have to write unity:/desktop-icon .

So the description is wrong, and the user start wondering what's happening.