Comment 0 for bug 1207515

Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) wrote :

Currently on the Desktop, WebApps are a way to bridge web application running in a browser environment (chromium & firefox) and the Unity environment (through specific integration point like the messaging menu, launcher etc.). Webapps integrate with browser tabs and can be run chromeless using a special mode in chromium & ff (similar to 'app mode').

For S, in order to simplify the maintenance and have more control over the chromeless runtime environment, we will deprecate most of the browser integration (tabs) and let the webapps run directly using the webbrowser-app as a container.

The extensions themselves will still exist but in a simpler fashion, allowing the user to install/enable a webapp a jump to it as it browses to an integrated website.

The associated changes impact the following packages/projects:

- unity-chromium-extension,
- unity-firefox-extension,
- webbrowser-app,
- unity-webapps-qml,