Comment 4 for bug 1157704

Revision history for this message
J Phani Mahesh (phanimahesh) wrote :

Please download the script at
and save it as in your Home folder.

Open unity-tweak-tool, customise your desktop, and after closing, open a terminal, and run
     python > GsettingsKeyDump.txt
This generates a file GsettingsKeyDump.txt in your home directory.

Reboot and after logging in, run
     python > GsettingsKeyDump_new.txt
This generates a file GsettingsKeyDump_new.txt in your home directory.

Then run
     diff GsettingsKeyDump.txt GsettingsKeyDump_new.txt
to list any changes that have occoured due to the reboot.

If you see any changes, please file a bug against Unity. If you do not see any changes, Unity may have failed to load the settings. a logout-login should very likely fix it.

Unity-tweak-tool can only request the settings backend to change its preferences. If changing a setting from the tool changes the output of the script (saved in the file. One line somewhere changes per setting. Use diff to locate faster.), unity-tweak-tool is working fine and you have discovered a bug in Unity.