Comment 3 for bug 667323

Revision history for this message
Ingo Gerth (igerth) wrote : Re: "open with" missing

See also related question on AskUbuntu:


Coming from a duplicate, I would like to share my thoughts here. Copy paste from Bug #735997:

It is currently impossible to open a file in the files lens with your program of choice. It is automatically linked to the default program for that mime type.

This is very inconvenient and really limits the potential of the dash. Imagine for example that you opened an image earlier and now want to return to it to do some editing. You go to the files lens, are happy to see the file under recent files, but then you are stuck. Everything you can do is opening it with the standard image viewer. There is no way to right click it and open it with GIMP or a comparable program. There currently isn't even the possibility to open the file's location in Nautilus to open it from there.

I do not mean to say that the implementation for this must be right clicking the file. There are many different possible designs. The important thing is that this functionality has to be implemented, in which ever way.

* For opening files with different programs: Enable drag and drop into the launcher. Then all applications linked to the mime type could be displayed. Drag and drop onto them would open the file with the respective program (as discussed in other bugs plenty of times)
* Highlight Nautilus to open the file's location