Comment 0 for bug 739469

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

unity 3.6.6-0ubuntu1, Ubuntu Natty

0. Be a 14-year-old girl, or a schoolteacher preparing to show a film to your class, or a businessperson preparing to give a presentation.
1. Click the "Applications" button.
2. Type "movie" to launch Movie Player.

What happens:
* Six applications appear, one of which is "PornView".
* There is no apparent way of preventing "PornView" from appearing as a result, though it's not even installed.

What should happen:
* Only "Movie Player" and maybe "PiTiVi" appear.
* Whoever thought this was a good idea is fired.

This problem cannot be solved merely by renaming or blacklisting one particular application. For example, a Saudi Ubuntu user might be similarly annoyed that searching for "guide" returns "Xiphos Bible Guide" as a result, when that's not installed either.

We can't realistically expect the entire Ubuntu software library to be offense-free: as more independent applications are published, some (especially games) will be targeted at mature audiences and/or be non-worksafe, and that's fine. (We can introduce a maturity rating system inside Ubuntu Software Center for those.) But people should be able to expect that the launcher in Ubuntu's shell, of all things, *will* be offense-free.

Both this bug and bug 733669 (about the search results being confusing) can be fixed by restricting application search results only to those applications that are actually installed.