Comment 15 for bug 705007

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Bernhard Kaindl (benkai) wrote :

Eli, John, Alan Lord & Pope, LostOverThere, Maxim, you are so right.

Recently I was talking with a company which uses Linux to develop software, and what you just really need in such an environment (need this too at my work as well) is the possibility to place a button somewhere on the edges of your screen where you can just click (no, we do not mean messing around with right-clicks to expose a quicklist) to launch something. This something may be an xterm which runs a specific task, or logs into some machine, or some other application which is started with specific arguments.

This is just not possible (using simple clicks as it was a given with Gnome 2) with Unity anymore, and even if you manage it, you are limited to the left side of the screen, where with Gnome 2, you would normally use the top bar where you have the full with of your screen to put many small launchers, not just a very tiny vertical bar on the left which is Unity.

Off the record, just to top off all the lost functionality: Heck, one could even add more gnome panels to the edges of their screens and launchers in them if one really needed.

With Unity, you are limited to the Unity bar on the left, but you have to google first on how to manually create desktop files and move them to the Unity launcer, or, if you are really adventourus, you could program some application-indicators and use them as launchers to finally be able to make use of the always quite empty top panel with Unity.