Comment 0 for bug 1060888

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Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. Go to a Web site that is misguided enough to integrate with Unity's web apps feature.
2. Try to scroll the page with a trackpad or mousewheel.
3. Click a link to another page on the same site.
4. Click the link again.
5. Repeat steps 2~4 a few more times.

What happens:
1. A web app prompt appears.
2. The prompt blocks scrolling with trackpad/mousewheel.
3. The prompt also blocks your first attempt to click something on the page.
5. The prompt reappears on every single page.

This is terrible design. Sometimes Web sites do something like this on the first or second page you visit in a session: putting up an advertisement or an invitation for a survey, that you can click outside to return to the page. But if any site did that on *every* page you visit, nobody would visit that site any more. So this is appropriate behavior only if you don't want any non-Ubuntu Web site to ever adopt the web apps feature.

What should happen: either
* the prompt appears only once per site per Firefox session, or
* the prompt appears only once per site per day.