Comment 10 for bug 684148

Revision history for this message
David Planella (dpm) wrote :

Apart from modifying the code, in order to have full internationalization support there are two other items to consider:

1. Modifications to the build system to build and install the translated files provided by Launchpad
2. Modifications to the Debian package to import those translations

In general, 1. is already taken care of by the relevant autotools rules. However, if I'm not mistaken unity (the 3d version, at least) is using cmake. cmake has, as far as I know, no standard rules for internationalization. This means we'll have to write them ourselves.

Fortunately, Didier Roche is working on this already for Unity (3D) in bug 697166, so I'd suggest you to get in touch with him.

As per 2., what needs to be done is to add a rule to debian/rules to build the translation template (the unity.pot file) upon build. Didier has been working on this too as part of bug 697168, so again, I'd recommend getting in touch with him.