Comment 0 for bug 683762

Revision history for this message
John Lea (johnlea) wrote :

implement new Dash design!

This is a short description for a big change! Rather than a long explanation of the design, look (and print off) the attached screenshots and then walk through the use cases that transverse most of the Dash functionality (see the Use Case Mapper link below). Then ask questions, and I will endeavor to update this bug with answers.

Link to Use Case Mapper:

The following art assets will be attached to this bug:
1. Fullscreen Dash App Lens home
2. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query
3. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query and header expanded
4. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query and header expanded and 'refine search' open
5. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query and 'refine search' open
6. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query and 'refine search' open and various options selected
7. Fullscreen Dash App Lens with search query and 'refine search' open in German (for testing internationalization text lengths)
8. Fullscreen Dash File Lens home
9. Fullscreen Dash Dashboard with widget open
10. Animation of Dash open, text search and filter search transitions.