Comment 11 for bug 944215

Revision history for this message
Steve Mazza (spmazza) wrote :

It appears to be a collision, not a bug. vim latex-suite uses C-j extensively to jump outside of delimiters after expansion. UltiSnips also maps this sequence to jump to the next marker. Unfortunately I use UltiSnips extensively to expedite my LaTeX editing but I also don't think I'd be able to live without vim latex-suite. My sub-optimal solution has been to place

imap <C-j> <Plug>IMAP_JumpForward

in my .vimrc file and live without C-j functionality in UltiSnips by creating LaTeX-compatible snippets like this:

snippet exb "Beamer Example Block" b
\begin{exampleblock}{${1:Block Title}}

It's inelegant and I wish there were a better solution.