Comment 14 for bug 715955

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stardiviner (numbchild) wrote :

I hope to let UltiSnips be one source of neocomplcache plugin. neocomplcache has one snippet plugin called neocomplcache-snippets-complete, but it does not have many features, so I hope there is an plugin can add UltiSnips's possible snippets into neocomplcache popup menu candidates list.

Why I need this ?
Well, I find it is complicated between different languages, (I'm not very familar with programming languages), for example, some language use "def" to define a function, so I'll set triiger to "def", some language like shell will use "function" to define, then this is different between languages.
And there are some snippets like `if`, `ife`, `ifee`, they are `if .. end`, `if .. else .. end`, `if .. elif .. else .. end`, when I type `if`, Vim popup available snippets is really needed. (well, maybe is not that so needed, because maybe most people use UltiSnips remember what they write in snippets file).