Comment 2 for bug 1259812

Revision history for this message
grissiom (chaos.proton) wrote :

Oops, sorry that I have mapped the trigger to <c-i> in the vimrc... But the problem still exits:

Here is `:verbose imap <tab>`:

i <Tab> * <C-R>=UltiSnips_ExpandSnippetOrJump()<CR>
        Last set from ~/My_projects/local-etc/vimfiles/bundle/ultisnips/plugin/UltiSnips.vim

Here is `:verbose imap <c-i>`:

i <Tab> * <C-R>=UltiSnips_ExpandSnippetOrJump()<CR>
        Last set from ~/My_projects/local-etc/vimfiles/bundle/ultisnips/plugin/UltiSnips.vim

Strange, those mappings are identical...

To make it simple, I moved YCM out of the bundle folder so I think it has already been disabled.