Comment 4 for bug 772221

Revision history for this message
23dornot23d (keithaerospace92) wrote :

Found a fix for adding the theme selector in this thread ......

Step 1

Get these 2 debian files and install them using gdebi in a terminal ..... as you have to run as root and
answer yes to the question ......

C Bowman made the debs available here ...... from Fedora ....

Step 2
Then following on from the Musings thread - as I have added below .......
add these into the directory shown below .... allows a Theme selector to work .....

download these and put them in .....

Place the downloaded tarball in $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/ and unpack it.

reboot and the Theme selector should now be available ....

Original thread ...... where the question was asked ..... about how to add the Theme selector .....

Musings Thread with the theme selector and all the information .......


The two steps given above were a solution on two of my systems ....... and solved the problem in the thread too.

 If the above steps can be incorporated now ...... into UGR it would be good ......

I do 3D not programming so if someone else can pick this up - it would be good ..... thank you ....