Comment 26 for bug 772142

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Erick Brunzell (lbsolost) wrote :

Before presenting anything to the Ubuntu Forum Council I decided to toss a few ideas around with a couple of private emails to forum mods I've corresponded with in the past. Since they were private in nature I won't directly quote anyone, but all of the responses were very reasonable, although not particularly favorable.

I should also say that I not only mentioned UGR but the implementation of Gnome 3 into Ubuntu as a whole. Obviously with Oneiric just now going into development we don't know for sure what to expect, eg; how difficult will it be to change from the default Unity DE to a true 'gnome3-session', or how easy it will then be to change to a 'fallback-session'?

Of course we can't know yet because gnome3 is ATM not yet functional in Oneiric, but one thing I was reminded of is just how many "re-spins" there are based on Ubuntu already. The general idea was that if we were granted a "special" sub-forum there would be a flood of requests for "equal treatment". Sad but true.

While I feel that our goals are more in line with Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc. it's also true that most have their own forums. Lubuntu is AFAIK the only exception and it's history, since it's the most recent member of the *ubuntu klan, may be a good model to follow. That is, of course, purely my opinion ;^)

Somewhat OT, but also very important, I agree with Chris and JC on Bridge Linux. And Daniel's first mock-up just shouts awesome all over the place! I also realize that means more work but I like it. I'd hope Daniel wouldn't think developing the graphics for UGR and then making a major change aren't a waste of time.

Further OT but I really like the implementation of our own plymouth "splash". It looks good, I much prefer the "spinning wheel" to those annoying "dots".

Anyway I'm now reluctant to place a request with the Forum Council that I'm almost sure would fail.

As an interim measure I suppose we could communicate through the "Other OS" section of the forums:

Hardly optimal but something to consider.