Comment 0 for bug 1245981

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PJSingh5000 (pjsingh5000) wrote :

* Version of Ubuntu you are running on (output of lsb_release -irs)
* Kernel architecture of host system (output of uname -rm)
        3.11.0-12-generic x86_64
* Version of Ubuntu you are trying to customize
        Ubuntu 13.10
* Kernel architecture of the version you are trying to customize
* Iso used


I run UCK from the host machine, under user account "someuser". Since "someuser" is a member of the sudoer's group, I enter the root password when prompted.

In the UCK croot environment, I notice that the current user's home directory (~) is "/home/someuser".

In the chroot environment (using the ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso as the base):
- I place files into /etc/skel
- I modify /etc/skel/.bashrc

After successfully creating the remastered iso USB, I proceed to install the customized OS.

In the Ubuntu installation wizzard (Ubiquity), I create a user called "someuser" (same as the user account I used to run UCK and remaster Ubuntu).

The install is successful.


After installing from the remastered OS, I log in to Ubuntu using user "someuser".

I notice that /home/someuser does not have the files I had placed in /etc/skel during customization.

I also notice that .bashrc and .profile are missing from /home/someuser.

However /etc/skel on the newly installed system *does* indeed contain these files, including the modified .bashrc.

If I create a new user (using add $ user testuser) the new user has the correct files under /home/testuser.


The Linux "adduser" command is used by Ubuntu's installer, Ubiquity.
(See ubiquity_2.15.26_amd64/usr/lib/ubiquity/user-setup/user-setup-apply).

The behavior of the adduser command is to *not* copy files from /etc/skel, if the user's home directory *already* exists.

In this case, I suspect that UCK creates the "/home/someuser" directory on the remastered iso, so this directory already exists when Ubiquity is run.


When I create the user someuser during the Ubiquity wizard, the fiels in /home/someuser/ should be copied from /etc/skel/.

Therefore, after the remastering process is complete, the directory /home/someuser should NOT exist on the cusomized iso. This would prevent this "issue" with Ubiquity and the adduser command.


I also noticed that /root does not have .bashrc and .profile In the UCK chroot environment. This could be because the official Ubuntu Live CD, ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso, has this issue. Or it could be due to something UCK does. I thought I'd mention this, since it may in some way be related the above issue.