Comment 0 for bug 1312271

Revision history for this message
Francis Ginther (fginther) wrote :

The UCI engine needs to add support for source changes coming from launchpad branches (or MPs). We'll also need to track the revisions of the branches and of the target branch to apply consistency checks to determine if the branches have moved (which could invalidate the testing).

A ticket may contain multiple branches which could target different trunks (i.e. 3 MPs target lp:foo, 2 MPs target lp:bar/utopic, etc.)

So, what do we need to track:

 - the MP submitted to the ticket and it's branch revision
 - the target branch and it's revision

The MPs will be submitted or updated through the UI. The revision and trunk branch info will come later via the branch source builder (it will take a 'snapshot' of that info when the build starts). The publisher will consume this information to determine if the contents have changed. An API is needed for the bsbuilder to specify the MP branch revision, the target and the target revision for each MP.