Comment 14 for bug 114957

Revision history for this message
Frank Arnold (frog98146) wrote :

And here it is May 17th 2010 and I have the same problem

I'm using Ubuntu 8.4 and upgrading to Ubuntu_Studio 10.4.

Here is what I was doing I downloaded Ubuntustudio-10.04-alternate-i386.iso from the Ubuntu_Studio web site. To a computer that has Ubuntu 10.4 running on it. Burned it to a USB DVD-RW disk.

Unplugged the usb and put it in the Computer I wanted to put it on. It has Ubuntu 8.4 on it now. It is a Dell Dimension 2400 512 ram with 40g HD. I plugged the USB DVD-RW drive in and it said do you want to upgrade I said yes

It went for a long time getting programs and all then said I could not finish click close so I did. It restored all my settings. Then I thought I should reboot to make sure it would come back up. and not hang. It told me I had a parochial update do I want to finish I said yes it said it was checking the archived programs then gave me this error

***start copy paste 1***

Can't install 'ubuntu-desktop'

It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug.

***end paste 1***

when I closed it another window popped up

**start paste 2***

Could not calculate the upgrade

A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.

 This can be caused by:
 * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
 * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
 * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

This is most likely a transient problem, please try again later.

***end paste 2***

so this is where I'm at I'm new at all this linux stuff.

Can someone help.