Comment 3 for bug 563920

Revision history for this message
Roman Yepishev (rye) wrote : Re: corrupted note on the server


In order to remove the note you will need to use ubuntuone-couchdb-query script available from

You will need to find out the id of the note that is causing the error. When you click the title for corrupted note you will get the URL in your address bar similar to

The part after /edit/ - 87a788ca-4c7f-4212-9b1e-6e9560f18e96 is your note identifier.

Now you are able to fetch the note from the server (please replace the $id with the identifier found in previous step):

$ python ubuntuone-couchdb-query notes/$id

This will print out the note from the server. It will be in internal Tomboy format but it will be readable. You might want to save the note in case it contains important information. In case this note does not contain any sensitive information, could you please attach the saved copy to this bug report in order to find out the reason of such corruption?

The output of the command above will include URI line as in:
URI: 87a788ca-4c7f-4212-9b1e-6e9560f18e96?rev=1-4993784180b7046d64d161f969e64083

In order to remove the note use the following statement (please replace $uri with the URI found in previous step):

$ python ubuntuone-couchdb-query --http-method=DELETE notes/$uri

This should return something like:
{'rev': '2-4993784180b7046d64d161f969e64083', 'ok': True, 'id': '$id'}

If there is 'ok': True then removal completed successfully.

I understand that this is a lot of manual operations but since this is not expected to happen on a regular basis there is no user-friendly interface for such removals.