Comment 3 for bug 528398

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Coffeecat (coffeecat) wrote :

Well - more than a year has gone by, and no action. Let me rephrase "not as user friendly". No - HOPELESS. Particularly for a classical music lover such as myself. Until now I have been reduced to searching on the site, taking a unique string from the album that I wished to purchase and then searching in Ubuntu One Music Store (UOMS) for that. Until this morning, that is. Found this on

I defy anyone to find that in UOMS using Rhythmbox or Banshee (Maverick and Natty respectively). Eventually, using Banshee in Natty, I went to Amazon MP3 Store, found the album within one minute, logged into my Amazon account and paid for it within another minute and downloaded within 5 minutes. And I saved 50p into the bargain!

I don't mind that UOMS is generally 50p an album more expensive than Amazon. I'm happy to pay that in order to support Canonical and however much goes upstream to gnome, but I can't do that if I can't find what I want to purchase.

Sorry - you are in danger of losing customers to Amazon. This really needs to be addressed.