Comment 0 for bug 692772

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Natalia Bidart (nataliabidart) wrote :

In, Martin said:

This is a lot, and almost everything is unrelated, so I'm not really voting :)

- When people have a lot of storage, and little used, the quota bar is basically "empty". I suggest setting the minimum to display to 5% or something noticeable
- All my files are up to date, and the text on the top-right seems to long and too shy at telling me. Maybe something shorter like "All files up-to-date", with a green tick?

Account tab:
- I would change the "Upgrade subscription" and "Support options" from links to something that makes it clearer that it will launch a browser. Maybe a small generic browser icon? Maybe an arrow at the end, hinting that you'll get taken outside of the app?
- The "upgrade subscription" could be placed underneath the
"Account type" block, as that's what you would be upgrading. It should probably be called something else, like "Buy more storage and new plans"
- "Account type" title seems leak a bit too much of our implementation lingo, maybe "Account information"?
- I think I would drop the "Name" section, and instead place that above where it says "Welcome to Ubuntu One!", like the dashboard: "Welcome to Ubuntu One, Martin Albisetti"
- I'd rename support options to "Get support"

Folders tab:
- I wouldn't center the contents, it makes it a bit harder to predict where content will be, as it moves around. I would instead top-left align it
- I'd rename "Subscribed" to "Is syncing", as "subscribed" is too much of an implementation detail
- The text on the title of this tab is too long and wraps. Maked it look awkward. It coulb be re-written to something like: Folders being watched by Ubuntu One (you don't need to clarify what "Subscribed" means if you address the above point
- The padding on the right is also different that on the left (ie, non-existent)

Devices tab:
- I love that you now cache the account information :)
- The spinner says "Loading", maybe it should say "Updating", as you are already presented with information?
- Again, I would top-left align the content
- I'd add some padding to the "Limit bandwidth" section, to split it out of the rest of the content
- Maybe the remove button could be a bit more informative. Not sure what text would be best, but maybe "Stop from syncing"? That's not great text, lets think about it.