Comment 30 for bug 509556

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miguelo (migu3l-vergara) wrote :

I have the same problem on Lucid 10.04.1 updated and ubuntuone-client 1.2.2-0ubuntu2.

Rarely happens that after doing #4 , the token in the add machine page (9VTQjp...) is the same that appears in .cache/ubuntuone/log/u1-prefs.log and .cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log (with log_level = DEBUG in .config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf) but the token saved in seahorse (VqBZx7...) is totally different and the saved in is totally different than the others (fM8w4d...).

is a 'translate' token problem ? a seahorse problem ?

how could I update ubuntuone-client to the latest version ( of Maverick ? would it help ?