Comment 0 for bug 462828

Revision history for this message
Joshua Hoover (joshuahoover) wrote : Syncdaemon deletes files from server when syncdaemon is stopped and restarted during sync

Syncdaemon deletes files from server

Steps to reproduce:

On Computer1
1) Run script to ensure a clean u1 environment on Computer1
2) Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One
3) Add Computer1 to my account
4) Copy ~/Cush (with 12 mp3 files) to ~/Ubuntu One
5) Sync occurs with server
6) Check that sync completes by going to and see all 12 files there
On Computer2
7) Run script to ensure a clean u1 environment on Computer2
8) Applications->Internet-Ubuntu One
9) Add Computer2 to my account
10) Sync starts - allow to run until first 4 mp3 files are there
11) $ killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon
12) Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One
13) Allow sync to happen

Result: 8 of 12 mp3 files deleted from my account on cloud and on Computer1 - all have just the 4 files left by Computer2
Expected result: 12 mp3 files on both computers and cloud

Log files being attached along with script