Comment 15 for bug 1005181

Revision history for this message
Jose Luis del Rio (josel-bcn) wrote :

It happens to me too in my Win XP 32 bits. The error

In a Windows 7 it works perfect.

I have tried:

1. Fresh install installing the latest client ubuntuone-3.0.2b-windows-installer.exe or ubuntuone-3.0.2-windows-installer.exe
2. Uninstall client erasing registry entries and all log folders.

I copy the logs referenced in


2012-09-12 10:19:01,081 - ubuntuone.controlpanel.backend - INFO - ControlBackend: instance started.
2012-09-12 10:19:05,082 - ubuntuone.controlpanel.qt.gui - INFO - Updates available? False
2012-09-12 10:40:44,595 - ubuntuone.controlpanel.qt.folders - ERROR - Error while invoking <bound method FoldersPanel.load of <ubuntuone.controlpanel.gui.qt.folders.FoldersPanel object at 0x01D39ED0>> with args () and kwargs {}:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ubuntuone\controlpanel\gui\qt\__init__.pyc", line 100, in inner
  File "twisted\internet\defer.pyc", line 1037, in _inlineCallbacks
  File "twisted\python\failure.pyc", line 382, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
  File "ubuntuone\controlpanel\gui\qt\folders.pyc", line 161, in load
  File "twisted\internet\defer.pyc", line 1037, in _inlineCallbacks
  File "twisted\python\failure.pyc", line 382, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
  File "ubuntuone\controlpanel\backend.pyc", line 624, in volumes_info
  File "twisted\internet\defer.pyc", line 1037, in _inlineCallbacks
  File "twisted\python\failure.pyc", line 382, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
  File "ubuntuone\platform\tools\windows.pyc", line 139, in call_after_connection_inner
  File "twisted\internet\defer.pyc", line 1037, in _inlineCallbacks
  File "twisted\python\failure.pyc", line 382, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
  File "ubuntuone\platform\windows\ipc_client.pyc", line 759, in connect
SyncDaemonClientConnectionError: ('Could not connect to the syncdaemon ipc.', ActivationTimeoutError())

2012-09-12 10:19:02,348 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - find_credentials: args (<ubuntuone.platform.credentials.CredentialsManagementTool object at 0x01D7F890>,), kwargs {}.
2012-09-12 10:19:05,411 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - Handling signal_name: 'on_credentials_found_cb', app_name: u'Ubuntu One'.
2012-09-12 10:19:05,411 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - Calling <bound method Deferred.callback of <Deferred at 0x2cb9cb0>> with 1 args and 0 kwargs.
2012-09-12 10:19:05,411 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - cleanup: removing signal match < object at 0x02CCA070>
2012-09-12 10:19:05,411 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - cleanup: removing signal match < object at 0x02CCA0B0>
2012-09-12 10:19:05,411 - ubuntuone.credentials - DEBUG - cleanup: removing signal match < object at 0x02CCA0D0>

Thanks for your help.