Comment 0 for bug 1614514

Revision history for this message
Malcolm Scott (malcscott) wrote :

When prompted for a hostname during installation, on my network the default offered is always our second NTP server's IPv6 address, which it received via stateless DHCPv6. netcfg seems to be using the wrong field as a hostname, in the absence of an explicit DHCP-provided hostname.

Installation log excerpt:

Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: IPv6 stateless autoconfig requested
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: nc_v6_interface_configured(eth0, scope global)
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Running ip addr show eth0 to look for address
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq qlen 1000
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: link/ether fa:ee:bd:a7:4c:0f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: inet6 2001:630:212:252:f8ee:bdff:fea7:4c0f/64 scope global dynamic
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Configured address found
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: valid_lft 2592000sec preferred_lft 604800sec
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: inet6 fe80::f8ee:bdff:fea7:4c0f/64 scope link
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: ip line: valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Stateless DHCPv6 requested
Aug 18 12:21:26 netcfg[13450]: WARNING **: Started DHCPv6 client; PID is 13497
Aug 18 12:21:26 dhclient[13497]: Created duid \000\003\000\001\372\356\275\247L\017.
Aug 18 12:21:27 dhclient[13497]: XMT: Info-Request on eth0, interval 1080ms.
Aug 18 12:21:27 dhclient[13497]: RCV: Reply message on eth0 from fe80::8a5a:92ff:fecd:8da7.
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: nameserver[0] 2001:630:212:200::d:0
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: nameserver[1] 2001:630:212:200::d:1
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: nameserver[2] 2001:630:212:200::d:2
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: Domain search list[0]
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: NTP server[0] 2001:630:212:200::123:1a
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: NTP server[1] 2001:630:212:200::123:1b
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: NTP server[2] 2001:630:212:200::123:1c
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: DHCPv6 line: end
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Trying IPv4 autoconfig as well
Aug 18 12:21:28 netcfg[13450]: WARNING **: Started DHCP client; PID is 13502
Aug 18 12:21:29 dhclient[13502]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1 (xid=0xce07ab1b)
Aug 18 12:21:30 dhclient[13502]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1 (xid=0xce07ab1b)
Aug 18 12:21:30 dhclient[13502]: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67 (xid=0x1bab07ce)
Aug 18 12:21:30 dhclient[13502]: DHCPOFFER of from
Aug 18 12:21:30 dhclient[13502]: DHCPACK of from
Aug 18 12:21:30 dhclient[13502]: bound to -- renewal in 1780 seconds.
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Reading NTP servers from DHCP info
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read NTP server
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read NTP server
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read NTP server
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read NTP server
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Reading nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read nameserver
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read nameserver
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Read nameserver
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: State is now 1
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: State is now 2
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: State is now 5
Aug 18 12:21:32 netcfg[13450]: DEBUG: Defaulting hostname to provided DHCP hostname

...and then the installer prompts me for a hostname with a pre-filled default of "2001:630:212:200::123:1b".