Comment 0 for bug 1689344

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

apport's test test_add_gdb_info_abort_glib has been failing for a bit, since zesty(?), now. Digging into this matter I discovered that using gdb to "print __glib_assert_msg" is resulting in different behavior.

With the generated binary, it used to return the following:

$2 = 0x7fadc0 "ERROR:<stdin>:2:main: assertion failed (1 < 0): (1 < 0)"

However, now I am seeing:

(gdb) print __glib_assert_msg
$1 = 1332592064
(gdb) print (char*) __glib_assert_msg
$2 = 0x4f6dbdc0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x4f6dbdc0>

This seems to be a regression in gdb itself, I've added an apport task though to track the disabling of the autopkgtest which utilizes this command.